Ambrotype of Mr Dunbull, taken expressly for my only Daughter Emily. 1856 Boston, Massachusetts,United States. Manuscript to reverse of the frame. Cutting Patent process. Damage to emulsion.
Ambrotype of Mrs Dunbull, taken expressly for my only Child Emily. 1856 Boston, Massachusetts,United States. Manuscript to reverse of the frame. Cutting Patent process. Damage to emulsion.
Early framed ambrotype of a young man and woman seated. Both holding books, a book and plant on the table. The plant has some green applied. Wooden frame. The felt backing has a ghost image of the original plate.
Ambrotype of a soldier seated with his headwear on the table next to him. Possible Sergeant in the Royal Artillery. Very poor condition. Unvarnished. Black to the reverse.
Ambrotpe of two women seated together. Book in hand and on tabletop. Some colour and gold applied to jewellery. Scratched plate but highly detailed. No case.
Ambrotype of a family group outdoors. 5 male and 4 female. Makeshift white backdrop in the garden hardly does the job. One man holds a violin and bow. Paper text around as part of the mount reads “...steamship North American, bound for Quebec, Sep 3,…